Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > inner realization and social inclusiveness > Page 3


Windows of the Light ~ from outside to inside

the Light as everyone

Page 3

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Someone could ask, “How do you see Christ in others, as others?” There is no how to this seeing. Christ, being Christ, spontaneously is already and appears. Christ is one with the seeing of Christ. Truly, to see the Christ, this is Christ seeing Christ.

When one sees, he or she is one with the seeing, and that one no longer needs to look - seeing is the end of looking, meeting the end of seeking. After all, if Christ is here, why look for Christ anywhere else? The Light is everywhere, for the Light is not a this-or-that, the Light is. Another way of saying this is, "Being appears as inter-Being." And, so, every I am this-or-that is possible for the "I am" before this-or-that. Yes, the Eucharist is everywhere, for the Light is everywhere, and here, now. We are all the same Light, for we are the one "I."

And, as the words of Howard Thurman remind us, when we see the Light in the other, we enter the life of the other. How can this be possible? There is only one Life. We are only divided in the mind, where the mind sees appearances as separation; we are reunited in the heart, where the heart sees appearances as celebrations of Unity. Our external efforts at unity must be met with internal transformation, a move into the Chapel of the Heart, where we can all meet in love divine.

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(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2020

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > inner realization and social inclusiveness > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024